The Mumm
Bros Book Store
and sundry titles that have helped me advance my understanding of racing, the SRF and how
to go faster. Ive selected these books based on their high tip per
page quotient as applied to Spec Racer Ford. Note:
All pictures below are scanned from my personal copies. Any ragged covers are from
repeated reference! |
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any book you want. I highly recommend the company for your print media needs. |
to Win -- Carroll Smith
This is the quintessential race car preparation book. Born of a series of articles that
originally appeared in Sports Car Graphic in the mid-60's, Mr. Smith
established a benchmark of race car preparation. If you follow his advice, your car
will break less and you will finish higher -- but you will work harder.
to Win -- Carroll Smith
The second book in Smiths five book series (is there a five equivalent
of trilogy?). This volume deals with the fundamental dynamics of the chassis.
A wonderful book that you can read and re-read and always find more in it. If you
really want to understand why your car handles the way it does, and what to do to change
it, this is the book to have. Now the bad news; this book can be a little tough to
understand the first time through.
to Win -- Carroll Smith
This is the third book in the series (notice the dodge on finding the word for
5-book-series). This volume could also be titled Applied
Metallurgy. Very good book if you want to build something out of steel with
high strength and low weight. Lots of good info for that. Limited application
to Spec Racers (but you have been lusting after that FF2000 so you might as well learn
now). I enjoyed this book anyway.
Smiths Nuts, Bolts, Fasteners and Plumbing Handbook
This is the fourth book in the quintology (I'm making up words now). Of all of
Carrolls books, this is my least favorite. I list it cause, after you
read the first 3, youll want to have a complete bibliography. Some good info,
but not in the same league with the first 3 or the next one
to Win -- Carroll Smith
The fifth book -- and probably the most eagerly awaited in the series. This volume
deals with drivers and driving...and how they both relate to the car and success in
racing. This is NOT a book on how to drive...but it is a book on how to be a Racing
Driver. Dismisses Spec Racer as ...a complete waste of time.
However, he puts forth the truth in: The easiest way to win a race is to drive the
best car. The surest way to lose a race is to drive a bad car. Buy the
book, youll enjoy it. Misses 5 Mumm rating only by inches.
To Make Your Car Handle -- Fred Puhn
I like Fred Puhns books and this is his best. Ive used this book
extensively (if you look at the picture closely, youll see a white line on the left
edge of the book...this is a crease mark from being opened so much. GREAT
fundamentals on the subject and lots of formulae to let you quantify your changes (and
amaze your compadres in the paddock).
Power, Using Racecar Data Acquisition -- Buddy Fey
Good info on how to interpret all that data you are collecting. A bit obscure but,
if you study it, you will find out ways to better read your data and then go faster.
to Tune and Modify Ford Fuel Injection -- Ben Watson
I include this book only for completeness ..cause Im sure its the first
one all new SRF racers bought. Seriously, its a pretty good book and will help
you understand how the system works and what all the acronyms mean (but maybe not how to
pronounce them, i.e. EEC is pronounced eke). Forget the
modify part wont work in SRF (youll get caught).
Handbook -- Fred Puhn
Another book by Fred Puhn written in his great get to the point style.
Contains more than you want (or need) to know about brakes and braking...but I include it
here because winning in SRF is very much about having better brakes. This will tell
you what you need to know.
Racing Technology -- Haney & Braun
This is a relatively recent book which at first blush looks like a fan worship
sort of book...but it isnt. The section on shocks -- how they work and what
they do is excellent. The radial racing tire info is the best Ive seen.
Im glad I have this book..
Race Car
Engineering and Mechanics -- Paul Van Valkenburgh
One of the benchmark technical books on racing. Lots of good information which
focuses on chassis and handling. My copy (the second edition) is getting a bit dated
on computer technology, but otherwise very good.
to Restore Fibreglass Bodywork -- Miles Wilkins
Most fiberglass books tell you how to build the molds for your batmobile worship car --
not too practical for us SRF racers. This book focuses on one thing, fixing broken
fiberglass. If you can get past the British spellings and jargon, its a good
little book with very useful hands-on techniques for fixing your bodywork.
The Drivers Handbook -- Peter Scott
While Im really waiting for Robert to start his drivers portion of this
bookstore, I thought Id offer my favorite driving book. Well written and
engaging ... except for mis-information like suggesting that the crew ...pamper the
driver at the track.. Robert highlighted that section in my copy. I just
ignore it. Seems to work.
Travel Guide to North American Tracks -- Judy Preston
This is a cool little book for those of us who travel to tracks weve never seen
before (or have forgotten about). Includes track maps, directions, hotel
options, and restaurant suggestions. Especially cool are the comments on most tracks
provided by Carroll Smith. A Must Have for the travelling racer.
Tractors and the Men Who Love Them -- Roger Welsch
You may wonder why this book is in my site -- well there are three reasons: 1.
If you substitute the words Spec Racer for Old Tractor, the
book is totally relevant. 2. Its filled with very practical advice, such
as the section on how to keep your wife from finding out how much youve really spent
on your Old Tractor (remember, substitute the words Spec Racer)
and 3. This is a really funny book. Any one who has ever worked on a car will
totally relate. I highly recommend it.
| is the supplier of these
books. Their prices are right and the service great. In addition, I get
contingency money if you buy the books via clicking on the pictures
below. The money I get goes to keeping my website running and my wife convinced that
its not stupid to invest money in computers and race cars ... so if
youre going to buy the books, please use these links. Thanks! |
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